Topic outline

  • Fundamentals of Heat Exchangers

    Credits: 2 PDH

    PDH Course Description:

    Heat exchangers are used to heat one fluid with a hotter fluid, to cool a fluid with a colder fluid, to condense a gaseous fluid with a colder fluid, or to boil a liquid with a hotter fluid. In this course you will learn about the basic construction of shell and tube and plate type heat exchangers and about counter flow, parallel flow, and cross flow patterns of flow. The heat transfer equation is introduced along with the log mean temperature difference and the overall heat transfer coefficient. The meaning of multi-pass and regenerative heat exchangers is covered and several common heat exchanger applications are discussed.


    • Be familiar with the parts of/general construction of shell, tube, and plate type heat exchangers
    • Be able to differentiate among parallel flow, counter flow and cross flow heat exchangers
    • Be able to differentiate between single-pass and multi-pass heat exchangers
    • Be able to differentiate between regenerative and non-regenerative heat exchangers.
    • Know the meanings of the terms hotwell and condensate depression

    To take this course:

    1.) Enroll in Course: Click below to enroll:
    (must be logged into your user account)

    2.) Study: Once enrolled, click below to begin the course:

    Download the Study Guide

    3.) Test: Once you've thoroughly read the course materials, please click below to take the final examination.

    Take the final exam

    4.) Certificate: A passing grade of 70% or higher on the exam, is required to receive the certificate of completion for this PDH course.
         NOTE: After the exam is completed, you will need to return to this page, in order to print (download) the certificate of completion.

    Important Notice:

    Please ensure that a payment has been remitted, prior to completing Step 4 (printing your certificate of completion).
    Additionally, check your receipt to confirm that your plan is active and has not expired. 
    Certificates issued without a completed payment may be considered invalid by your board of licensure.

    Print the Certificate of Completion

    Intended Audience: primarily for mechanical, chemical, nuclear and industrial engineers, but would be of interest to any engineer wanting a review of heat exchanger basics. Someone completing this course will gain knowledge about the types and flow patterns of heat exchangers and about some of their applications.
    Publication Source: US Dept. of Energy

    Harlan Bengtson PhD, PE
    • Topic 1